Project Zen

If providing the communities of Northwest Arkansas with an opportunity to access cultural awareness and a wealth of martial arts instruction free of charge is the ultimate ambition of Chuan Fa America Arkansas, Project Zen is the physical embodiment of that dream.

More than another gym or martial arts dojo, the hope of CFAA is that Project Zen will become a landmark within the city of Fayetteville. What the Waltons’ Crystal Bridges Museum brought to NW Arkansas in terms of a fine art experience, Project Zen aims to bring with respect to the martial arts and East Asian cultures of Japan, Korea, China, and the Philippines. Classes taught will include training in Kenpo Karate, Jiu Jitsu, Wing Chun, Taekwondo, Tai Chi, Filipino Martial Arts and other styles, as well as the option for instruction in traditional Japanese tea ceremony, foreign language and customs. Entrance to the grounds as well as tuition will always be FREE to the public.

Current Progress:
Location chosen
Building design in development
Volunteer building contractor, interior designer and landscape architects recruited
Raise $1,000 for Non-Profit license

Still to Go:
Raise money and donations to purchase property
Finalize building/landscape design
Acquire building materials

Feel Free to Contact Chuan Fa America Arkansas for more information
Sensei Shawn Wilson – Owner/Instructor
(479) 966-6782